[studies in becoming prayer]

by Angela Peñaredondo

illustrations integral to self-commitment does
blood not deserve cooperation&
reunion of tobacco

encrypted caricatures preserved to attachment
of scarcity to its smoke to its local shores
if not we are left in (dis)contents of theatrics

document who survived after folklore
document (re)birth document inherent magic by
locating theft of&from those trees
how notions began that there were none
document deconstruction of high magic

we deserve to want hard as lamentation
love me love me love me as scimitar
as blade flip as fast as knuckle bone as grove
as furrow as nothing short of

alter funerary
masks to feral
address feminine
gods of channeled
rage adapt
consensual power

play dear lies
dear sense&
pressure who hide
in this wool of
genitalia tangle

dear ancestral
camouflage of
strangler fig tree
limbs to one
must bear witness

i chose to lay the rosary
beads down, companion
the sacred mysteries with
the ground. commune
with birds

not bird as domestic
companion, bound to a
solitary master but
sovereign being—
penetrating as fuck.

i look for high-soaring
night seers.

through a smaller piece of
the defeathered flesh

of a weaker bird, i probe

what entities coerced me
to believe i adjacent to
a living thing of only
parallel or perpendicular

colonizer and colonized
come to speak the
powerless have learned to
parrot the language

the powerful. it all
on where you
stand and which side of the
scale is weighted.

tell me wild bird, are you?

i was five when mother blamed
the bridge of my nose

underneath arch of my heel:
birthmark seed locus
ecology red corals

disguised as my feet my one
blurry eye has intuition

like an archipelagic crone
circling a bowl
spiked fronds wielded

from blackbody radiation
even as foregrounds fade to

mother says it needs to be broken
this nose knows

in another backseat of a white van
boys and my skin lurches
they suspend so i blade
sound i wax fire swallow what’s
left of heavens to protect
personhood need is

boundary is touching touch this
left side of my shaved head
& worship
what i take down
still here aligning talismans:

hawk-eagle stippled feathers
talons of carnivores swamp buffalo
cartilage mother this face
knows broken &soul-laughs
at composition

envision church as archive of
occupation arrowed a crevice of
nationhood primitive hunt
as punishment enclosed
by walls why sumpter animals
pull heavy chains. around
a galaxy
to be tamed

from plant to air to charcoal
what needs breaking script in
racist logic metal chain
again metal rod

wind- swept leaves messages
transport signifying marks
insurgence upon settler colonial tar:

when someone’s
white father shouts
family of monkeys...

to dismember
offer him his fingernail...

mice&mildew of fly paper...
sharp things...
slapping hands...

head down at the table
of your roasted meat

i permit myself
power to feed

what death of your face
where men patron

silence what demands
trap us inside ourselves?

laws denying how I love why
a body blossoms
then expels

Angela Peñaredondo is a queer Filipinx, interdisciplinary writer and educator. Peñaredondo is the author of nature felt but never apprehended (Noemi Press), All Things Lose Thousands of Times (Inlandia Institute, Winner of the Hillary Gravendyk Regional Book Prize) and Maroon (Jamii Publications). Their work has appeared in The Academy of American Poets, Pleiades, Michigan Quarterly Review, Southern Humanities Review and elsewhere. They've received fellowships and awards from Hedgebrook, Kundiman, Macondo, TinHouse, the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown among others. They are Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at California State University San Bernardino. Currently, Peñaredondo lives in Los Angeles with their partner and many cramped plants. Follow them on @domaindenarwhal or www.angelapenaredondo.com