What do you want?

by Jessica Kadish

she asks. We’re in the middle of the red-
bricked street, almost close.

The truth sits bolt upright in bed
near the base of my spine,

wild-eyed, grabs the knife
under the pillow, & with a flick

of the wrist slices my gut in two
and stitches it up with a wink & a finger 

to the lips all in a moment. 
Outside, spring has almost ripened

into summer. She waits.
The spotlight moon burns a hole 

in my throat. I make up 
an answer, one that’s true enough,

while that first one lurks, knife in hand, 
curled back up until I let it out.

Jess Kadish is an actor and writer currently living in the cornfields of Central Illinois. She's a member of Chicago's 2nd Story collective. You can hear some of her personal narrative work on their podcast.