A Sonnet for my Notes App

by Brian Seungheon Kim

You know I have not a sense of mem’ry.
I tangle often; more than I ought to.
Busy playing games that fill me silly 
with light and laughter til I go all blue.
And sometimes heavy with my shadows; bare.
Unable to do more than limbo still;
disdaining wash or tending to my hair.
A frightful sight that would give you such chill.
On my phone, you wait til I am renewed.
Ready yet to dance once again with me
and flourish words to phrases that may soothe
this crippling core veiled gold for all to see.
Magic imbued within these tap, tap, taps.
Keeping me from total mental collapse.

Brian Seungheon Kim (BK) (he/him/his) is a Korean-American actor, photographer, poet, and overall vape trash. Causing discourse and pandemonium are his bread and butter. He also likes peanut butter cups very much. He posts his shenanigans and photography on Instagram (@briiankiim), Twitter (@briaankiim), and his website (brianseungheonkim.com).