Death took my flower

by Brian Seungheon Kim

We danced at the club. His whispers
were cracks and whips in my ear
so I pulled on his chains so our eyes
could meet again. He made me laugh
on the walk back home. We made out
at the door and he swallowed me
in bed. He made the night pearl
like obsidian. The lamps quiver 
like will-o'-the-wisps giggling.
When I entered him, his back arched
like the sickle. I awoke alone
with only his number. Texts don’t deliver.
Calls go unanswered. I run back
to the club to search for him. I see
my friends but they don’t notice me. I see
the flutter of his black hooded cloak. I try
to call out to him, but it was just the disco beams.
Then I realize, I never caught his name.

Brian Seungheon Kim (BK) (he/him/his) is a Korean-American actor, photographer, poet, and overall vape trash. Causing discourse and pandemonium are his bread and butter. He also likes peanut butter cups very much. He posts his shenanigans and photography on Instagram (@briiankiim), Twitter (@briaankiim), and his website (